Confessions of a Serial Storyteller – The Sequel

Though she’d never admit it, growth strategist and business consultant Kristin Luck is a rock star in the market research world. Her jam, besides helping propel companies to exponential growth, is engaging audiences through storytelling. She’s leveraged her storytelling acumen into successes as a highly regarded thought leader, keynote speaker and valued advisor. We’ve delved into the topic of storytelling for market research with Kristin on this blog before. In fact, as both a testament to storytelling and Kristin’s popularity within the market research community, our first interview post with her is one of our most popular to date. That being the case, we decided to circle back to Kristin with a fresh set of questions on the topic of storytelling and its role in market research. Lucky for us, Kristin was generous enough to indulge us again. Here’s the rundown from our follow-up session: