3 Keys to Combating "Pandemic Paralysis"

This month we’re pivoting our focus to help those of you who are suffering from what is clearly “pandemic paralysis.” We are collectively in a time of “business unusual” which is causing a lot of uncertainty and business volatility.
Having helmed businesses that survived the dot com crash of 2001, and the massive economic downturn from 2007 - 2009, here are my three best pieces of advice to help you weather this pandemic storm.
1. Decisiveness is Key
Do you have enough cash to survive? Should you reassess sales forecasts? If the economy recedes, are you prepared to make the appropriate business changes? The best defense is offense so be prepared to make tough decisions early. As the folks at Sequoia Capital have said, “In downturns, revenue and cash levels always fall faster than expenses. Nobody ever regrets making fast and decisive adjustments to changing circumstances. In some ways, business mirrors biology. To quote Darwin, those who survive ‘are not the strongest or the most intelligent, but the most adaptable to change’.”
2. Action Brings Relief
As someone who has chronically suffered from anxiety, particularly when the decision-making stakes are high, one of the best pieces of advice I’ve received is “action brings relief.”
3. ABC to ABH
Pivot your ABC thinking from “always be closing” to ABH “always be helping” (shoutout to Priscilla McKinney for that gem). New business may be tough to come by in this time of massive disruption so increase your focus on helping your existing clients and partners stay afloat. This is a good time to slow down, stop the generic cadences and go deep on personalization and empathy.
To that end, in the spirit of “always be helping,” Jackie, Mike and I are offering up one-on-one’s to any C-level execs or anyone suffering from “pandemic paralysis.” Free. No catch.
Need to improve your profitability ASAP or figure out how to pivot a product quickly from offline to online? Or looking for ways to keep employees engaged, supported and motivated? Jackie can help.
Having cash flow issues and need a finance brainstorming partner? Need to optimize your overhead? Mike’s your guy.
Struggling with sales or need to pivot/rethink your marketing strategy and messaging? Or just need to vent in general (I hear homeschooling is a bitch!)? I'm happy to have a chat.
Just head to the contact form on our website.